Natures Way Foods, Selsey

Building extension and lease re-gear for occupier expansion


  • Modern 125,000 sq ft industrial/packhouse facility
  • Tenant business expansion requiring more accommodation in a tight timescale
  • Funding Agreement and lease re-gear agreed
  • Construction of extension for tenant fit out
  • Enhanced rent for the building received by the landlord
  • Enabled Natures Way Foods to fulfil its new business contract
  • No interruption to other on-going supply contracts during construction

The occupier of this property, Natures Way Foods, had operated a food production and distribution facility at its Selsey site for a number of years. Its success at winning new business with a major supermarket in 2020 gave rise to the need for a significant extension to be built and financed in a short timescale.

Close co-operation between landlord and tenant resulted in an agreed Funding Agreement and lease re-gear, enabling the design & construction of the extension to be progressed without delay and without affecting other on-going supply contracts.

The landlord’s funding of the project produced an enhanced lease rent on completion of the project for the remainder of the 25 year lease.

Natures Way Foods took the benefit of a bespoke extension to enable it to meet its new business commitments to a major customer. In doing so Natures Way Foods further grew its already successful UK business.

NWF Selsey
NWF Selsey

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